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8:43 a.m. - 2007-01-05
So here's the thing. Its the new year. 2007. A fresh start so to speak. But here's my problem with New Years Resolutions etc, I'm still the same old me, so if I were to make all sorts of crazy resolutions that involve changing things about myself, I'm going to set myself up with failure. And that's why I think most peoples New Years Resolutions flop before January has passed. I'm still me, and while I'm not opposed to changing and improving myself I've found that change is best attempted gradually. You can't make a giant ship turn on a dime. But you can have continued goals. Strive for change one step at a time. Take little bites so you don't choke and spit the whole thing out. So here is where I am, what my next steps are, and where I plan on going in the future, near or far:

1. Knitting. I am putting knitting on hold for now. Its the kind of thing that makes me want to invest all my time in it, and as a result I find myself (at times) resenting the amount of attention Gabriel needs. And here's the thing - I can knit for my entire life. It will always be there. Gabriel's adorable little baby days, however, are fleeting and I want to enjoy every moment of them. I want nothing to get in the way of my time with him when I'm not at work. I never want to look back and say I wish I had spent more time with him, or I wish I had appreciated the early months. They are here now, and I am going to appreciate the crap out of them. Every smile, giggle, every first, even every diaper change, because that is the very best way to spend my time. Nothing could be better. I will not regret the things I did not knit. That is a no-brainer.

2. Walking. I am going to try to walk 100 miles by April. You may thing this smacks of an actual resolution, but its not. If I don't make it to 100 I don't care, I'm just going to do the best I can.

3. Eating. Less sodium. Less fat. More Veggies. Maybe join weight watchers, but we'll see.

4. Abs. Do situps everynight with DH. Get rid of baby belly.

4. Clothes. Get smaller. I'm working towards wearing a 14 first, and then I'll go from there. It'll take awhile though. (Keep in mind I'm six feet tall before you judge me too much!)



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